Causey View

Bardon Mill, Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 7AL

Offers In Excess £900,000

107.54 acres

Bedroom Count icon 2

  • A well-proportioned south facing, two-bedroom bungalow
  • Two semi modern agricultural buildings
  • Two stables
  • Ring fenced livestock farm located in Northumberland National Park
  • Extending in total to approximately 43.79 hectares (108.20 acres)
  • 104.59 acres of Permanent Grassland
  • 2.95 acres of Woodland
  • For sale by Private Treaty as a whole

INTRODUCTIONCausey View Farm is an attractive livestock farm located in the Northumberland National Park and extends in total to approximately 43.79 hectares (108.20 acres), situated in close proximity to Hadrian’s Wall with spectacular views overlooking the surrounding countryside. Causey View benefits from a two-bedroom bungalow which is south-facing, two semi-modern agricultural buildings, two stables and agricultural land with woodland, extending in total to approximately 43.79 hectares (108.20 acres).LOCATIONCausey View Farm is located some 3.5 miles from Bardon Mill and approximately 13.5 miles from Hexham. Causey View benefits from excellent transport links being located some 2.3 miles from the A69 trunk road, providing access from Northeast England across to Carlisle at the M6 motorway. Newcastle International Airport is located some 33.6 miles from The Property and the closest train station is situated at Bardon Mill of the Northern Rail service. A bus service also stops on the roadside of the B6318, just outside of The Property at the East Twice Brewed stop. Causey View is located within the World Heritage Site of Hadrian’s Wall, and the famous ‘Sycamore Gap’ is only a 1.6 mile walk from The Property. DIRECTIONS Heading north-west from Hexham, continue along the A69 for approximately 9.5 miles, taking the right-hand exit sign posted, Once Brewed and Westwood, towards The Sill and Vindolanda. Continue for approximately 0.2 miles, taking a left onto Park Lane. Continue for 0.6 miles and turn right onto the Cycle Rte. 72. After 0.5 miles take a right turn, heading towards The Sill for approximately 1 mile. Turn right onto the B6318 and take the next right after 0.3 miles where you will access Causey View Farm. CAUSEY VIEW BUNGALOWThe two-bedroom stone-under-slate bungalow comprises of a kitchen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The bungalow is south-facing with spectacular views reaching across the surrounding countryside. The internal floor area extends to approximately 102.10 sq.metres (1098.80 sq.feet).FARM BUILDINGSThe farm buildings include two semi-modern agricultural buildings and two stables which are located to the northeast of the bungalow. The buildings comprise of the following:A: Livestock shed (31.60m x 13.68m): Steel portal framed livestock shed with a mixture of Yorkshire boarding and asbestos sheets on the elevations under an asbestos roof. There is a concrete floor, and the shed is currently partitioned into two with a cattle water trough on either side.B: Dutch barn with lean to (13.74m x 12.40m) Adjacent and affixed to the livestock shed, comprising a steel portal framed building with tin corrugated sheeting on elevations and roof with an earth floor. C. Stable Block (8.98m x 4.61m): Breeze-block stables with a corrugated metal roof. Comprising of 2 stables and a storage room.AGRICULTURAL LANDThe land extends in total to approximately 43.52 hectares (107.54 acres), comprising of 104.59 acres of permanent grassland and 2.95 acres of woodland. The land is in good heart and condition and is predominantly classified as Grade 4 agricultural land, with a proportion of Grade 5 located to the south of the holding. The soils comprise of slowly permeable, seasonally wet acidic loamy and clay soils. The land is serviced by a private spring fed supply. In parcel 2983 there are the remains of a stone in-field building.ENVIRONMENTAL LAND MANAGEMENT SCHEMESCausey View Farm is not entered into a countryside stewardship scheme or other environmental schemes for which the purchaser(s) will be responsible for. HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGNATIONSCausey View is located within the Northumberland National Park and the Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site. The woodland located in parcel 2469 is designated as Ancient Woodland. Part of the woodland located to the north of the farm in parcel 9205 forms part of a scheduled monument. RURAL PAYMENTS AGENCYThe property is registered with the Rural Payments Agency. There will be no delinked payments included within the sale.RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS AND WAYLEAVESThe Property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, whether public or private and any existing wayleaves, easements, rights of servitude restrictions and burdens of whatever kind whether referred to in these particulars or not.The Purchaser(s) will be held to satisfy himself or herself on all such matters.There is a public footpath which intersects the holding from north to south through parcel 2983. ACCESSThe Property is accessed via a tarmac track leading from the public highway off the B6318, highlighted brown on the land plan. The track is a shared access, and the occupier of Causey View Farm is responsible for half of the cost of repairing and renewing the track.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS There is a restrictive covenant on the area hatched blue on the land plan, where no building or structure can be erected. This area of land is also restricted to the use of grazing horses or sheep only.VIEWINGSCausey View Farm is available to view strictly by prior appointment with Galbraith, Hexham. Tel: 01434 693693. METHOD OF SALEThe property is offered for sale by Private Treaty as a whole. Offers should be submitted to Galbraith, Hexham Business Park, Burn Lane, Hexham NE46 3RU. A closing date for offers may be fixed, and prospective purchasers are advised to register their interest with the selling agents following an inspection. The vendor and their agents reserve the right to amalgamate, withdraw or exclude any of the land shown at any time or to generally amend the particulars of sale. The agents also reserve the right to conclude negotiations by any other means at their discretion and a degree of flexibility is available to prospective purchasers.SERVICESThe property is serviced by a mains single phase electric supply and a private water supply. Foul drainage is to a private septic tank. All telephone connections are subject to BT regulations. Please note we have not been able to test services or make judgement on their current condition. Prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries.TENURE AND POSSESSION The property is held freehold and is sold with vacant possession being given on completion.SPORTING RIGHTSThe sporting rights are included within the sale so far as the Vendors have title to them. MINES AND MINERALSThe mines and minerals are excepted from the Freehold title of Causey View Farm. The rights however have not been formerly registered.COUNCIL TAXBand C - Northumberland County CouncilENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATECausey View Bungalow – DLOCAL AUTHORITYNorthumberland County Council - 0345 600 6400.Northumberland National Park – 01434 605 555PLANS AND SCHEDULESPlans and Schedules included within these particulars are based on information from the Rural Payments Agency and Ordnance Survey, to be observed for reference only. HEALTH & SAFETYThe Property is an agricultural holding and appropriate caution should be exercised at all times during inspection.ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING (AML) REGULATIONS Galbraith is required under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 and the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 as updated and amended from time to time, to complete due diligence on all purchasers. This requirement is absolute and must be satisfied before we commence work on your behalf. In order to comply with this requirement, Galbraith works in partnership with First AML, 'The UK's preferred AML solution'. Purchasers will be contacted directly by First AML via email, who will request all necessary identification documentation. If Purchasers cannot complete the request from First AML, please contact Galbraith at your earliest convenience to make other arrangements. Purchasers will need to provide along with their offer either: a) originals of primary (e.g. a passport) and secondary (e.g. current council tax or utility bill) identification or b) copies of the same certified and dated by an appropriate professional. Failure to provide this information may result in an offer not being considered. IMPORTANT NOTES1. These particulars are intended to give a fair and overall description of the Property. If any points are relevant to your interest, please ask for further information prior to viewing. Prospective purchasers are advised to seek their own professional advice. 2. Areas, measurements and distances are given as a guide. Nothing within the particulars shall be deemed to be a statement as to the structural condition, nor the working order of services and appliances. 3. Closing Date. A closing date for offers may be fixed. Prospective purchasers who have notified their interest to Galbraith, in writing, will be advised of a closing date, unless the Property has been sold previously. The Seller will not be obliged to accept the highest, or indeed any offer and has the right to accept an offer at any time or withdraw the Property from the market. The Seller will not be liable for any costs incurred by interested parties. 4. Offers. Formal offers, together with proof of funding, should be submitted to Galbraith, Hexham Business Park, Burn Lane, Hexham NE46 3RU. Tel: 01434 693693